教授?石塚 久郎

石塚 久郎
氏名?職位 | 石塚 久郎(ISHIZUKA HISAO) 教授 |
文学部開講科目 | イギリスの歴史と文化1 イギリスの歴史と文化2 英語英米文学概論1 ゼミナール1?2?3?4 卒業研究 |
大学院開講科目 | 英米研究特講 英米研究特講演習 英米文化特殊研究 英米文化特殊研究演習 |
略歴 | エセックス大学大学院博士課程歴史学部修了 博士 [University of Essex] |
専門分野 | イギリス?ロマン派、身体(史)、ウィリアム?ブレイク |
研究キーワード | 長い18世紀(啓蒙期)におけるファイバー?ボディ;胃弱の文化史 |
所属学会 | 日本英文学会 |
- 単行本(単著)
- Fiber, Medicine, and Culture in the British Enlightenment--Palgrave Macmillan-- 2016年12月
- 単行本(共著?編著?論文集?事典など)
- 『食餌の技法身体医文化論』--慶應義塾大学出版会-- 2005年08月
『イギリス文学入門』--三修社-- 2014年06月
『英語文学事典』--ミネルヴァ書房-- 2007年04月
『身体医文化論感覚と欲望』--慶應義塾大学出版会-- 2002年05月
『越境する芸術家現在(いま)、ブレイクを読む』--英宝社-- 2002年05月
- 論文(雑誌?紀要?研究成果報告書など)
- 'Fibre Body': The Concept of Fibre in Eighteenth-century Medicine, c.1700-40--Medical History (Cambridge University Press)56/4-- 2012年10月
'Carlyle's Nervous Dyspepsia: Nervousness, Indigestion and the Experience of Modernity in Nineteenth-Century Britain' in Laura Salisburry and Anrew Shail (Eds), Neurology and Modernity: A Cultural History of Nervous Systems, 1800-1950--Palgrave-- 2010年03月
Enlightening the Fibre-Woven Body : William Blake and Eighttenth-Century Fibre Medicine--Literature and Medicine25/1-- 2006年05月
「ああ暑い、それは太陽のせい」熱帯気候における白人の身体--人文科学年報45-- 2015年03月
The Elasticity of the Animal Fiber: Movement and Life in Enlightenment Medicine--History of Science44/-- 2006年12月
- その他(学会発表?講演?座談会?インタビュー?書評?エッセイなど)
- Experiencing the Weather on the Isle of Man: Feelings and the Self in Townley’s Journal.--International Symposium on the Topology of the Body2008年02月
天気と感性マン島の男の天候日誌--日本英文学会関東支部会7月例会 シンポジウム、「感性表現の英米文学人間の感覚は何をとらえ、どう表現するか」2007年07月
Under Urizen’s Web: William Blake and Enlightenment Nervous Medicine--BARS/NASSAR Conference2007年07月
熱帯地域における白人の身体改変気候と身体--身体医文化論 月例会2004年10月
I am Ishizuka Hisao. I have been teaching British History and Culture since I joined our department in 2007. Before coming to Senshu, I spent several years in England studying history. After receiving my PhD in History, I returned to Japan and... Oh sorry, this is quite boring. Let me tell you a childhood memory of mine which may help you to have an idea of who I am.
I have a vivid memory of the day when I turned twelve. My parents purchased me a brand-new radio cassette recorder that I had expected to have in reward for satisfactory results of exams. Rushing into a room upstairs, I turned it on with a thrilled hand; then a strange and shocking tune from the radio struck me with full force. I was suspended for a moment, carried off to another world and came back to earth. 'Rock N' Roll Love Letter' was the identity of the sound that transported me. It was a Western pop song by The Bay City Rollers, a Scottish pop band, now forgotten but extremely popular among teens of the 70s. My lifelong career of English began with this, although I had started learning 'This is a pen' -like English at school. Downstairs my parents were listening to an Enka-song, which told a sad, hopeless story about a woman who knit a sweater her lover would never wear, while upstairs 'Rollers' were roaring with the hot sound of Rock 'n' Roll. What a world of difference!
It remains a mystery why the cheap, gooey sounds of 'Rollers' caught my ears; it was not the sounds of The Beatles or Queen that initiated me into a world of English. All I can say is that without such a huge gap between us (Japanese) and them (Westerners) it would have not happened. The difference between 'the sweater never worn by her lover' and 'Rock N' Roll Love Letter' was so vast that it reminded me how far it was from the Earth to Mars. However, it was precisely this gap that brought me a sense of wonder, a wonder at something different and something unfamiliar, upon which my imagination took flight. I suspect that our globalised society has been losing touch with this kind of wonder because of an excess of information. Globalisation has melted the differences between cultures into a unity in accordance with American standards.
What I want you Senshu students to do is to find a world of difference and of otherness, not by learning the globalised English with which you are supposed to be empowered, but by unlearning it (through this process you are made aware of the simple fact that it is not so; it only leads you to a 'dead' homogeneous world). This world of difference and otherness is the place where you can start, and all you need to do is to swing yourself to the rhythm that you come across, however shabby it may be.
I have a vivid memory of the day when I turned twelve. My parents purchased me a brand-new radio cassette recorder that I had expected to have in reward for satisfactory results of exams. Rushing into a room upstairs, I turned it on with a thrilled hand; then a strange and shocking tune from the radio struck me with full force. I was suspended for a moment, carried off to another world and came back to earth. 'Rock N' Roll Love Letter' was the identity of the sound that transported me. It was a Western pop song by The Bay City Rollers, a Scottish pop band, now forgotten but extremely popular among teens of the 70s. My lifelong career of English began with this, although I had started learning 'This is a pen' -like English at school. Downstairs my parents were listening to an Enka-song, which told a sad, hopeless story about a woman who knit a sweater her lover would never wear, while upstairs 'Rollers' were roaring with the hot sound of Rock 'n' Roll. What a world of difference!
It remains a mystery why the cheap, gooey sounds of 'Rollers' caught my ears; it was not the sounds of The Beatles or Queen that initiated me into a world of English. All I can say is that without such a huge gap between us (Japanese) and them (Westerners) it would have not happened. The difference between 'the sweater never worn by her lover' and 'Rock N' Roll Love Letter' was so vast that it reminded me how far it was from the Earth to Mars. However, it was precisely this gap that brought me a sense of wonder, a wonder at something different and something unfamiliar, upon which my imagination took flight. I suspect that our globalised society has been losing touch with this kind of wonder because of an excess of information. Globalisation has melted the differences between cultures into a unity in accordance with American standards.
What I want you Senshu students to do is to find a world of difference and of otherness, not by learning the globalised English with which you are supposed to be empowered, but by unlearning it (through this process you are made aware of the simple fact that it is not so; it only leads you to a 'dead' homogeneous world). This world of difference and otherness is the place where you can start, and all you need to do is to swing yourself to the rhythm that you come across, however shabby it may be.