

Exploring second language learning, teaching, and using: Thinking, feeling, doing![担当:ギリズ, ヘイミッシュ]

ゼミナール名称 Exploring second language learning, teaching, and using: Thinking, feeling, doing! 
研究テーマ This course focuses on second language learning, teaching, and use, but exploring it from several angles, including language learning/teaching/use motivation, strategies, and issues. While exploring these topics, we will use a range of active learning tools, including groupwork, discussion, and English-through-Drama activities. A key aim of the seminar is for students to improve their own English ability – especially through active communication with their seminar partners, and completion of their graduation thesis in English.
ゼミナール所属 文学部英語英米文学科
学習内容 At the start of the Seminar we look at confidence and creativity in language learning, and how drama activities can help second language learning. Having developed our self-awareness of our own identity as well as our empathy towards others, we then explore theories and models of second language learner identity and motivation. We explore and evaluate these from our own personal experience as second language learners. In the second semester, we then move onto other topics in language learning, such as vocabulary learning, the age factor in language learning, global Englishes, and bilingualism. Students work with a partner to lead two workshops on their chosen topics. The main language of the Seminar is English, and a parallel aim of the Seminar is to help students develop their own English ability. 

At the start of the 4th Year, we move our focus towards completion of the Graduation Thesis. Students are encouraged to find their own original focus for their research project, within the broader subject area of the Seminar. The Graduation Thesis requires the development of not only research skills but also academic writing skills. One additional class focus is therefore the development of those skills. We also aim to hold a Gasshuku trip in the Summer, as part of the progress towards completing their thesis projects.
開講日時など 水曜3、4時限
卒業論文?卒業研究 Students in my Seminar are able to choose from a wide range of research topics, as long as they relate to language learning/teaching/use. Past graduation theses have explored a range of different topics related to second language learning, teaching, and use. These have included: Investigating the effectiveness of English-through-drama in terms of learning pronunciation and enhancing motivation; Raising a child with Down Syndrome to become bilingual; How "small talk" affects business efficiency in western countries; Effective presentation and assessment methods for second language learning in school; Factors affecting motivation to learn English during four years of university study.
教員紹介 Raised and educated in England, with a BA in Classics from Oxford University, I have lived and taught in Japan since 1998, with short stays in both China and Australia during that time. Although I had originally planned to only spend one or two years in Japan, my unending fascination with this infinitely multi-layered culture, as well as my growing affinity with its people, have led me to prolong my stay here. Having obtained my Master's degree in Applied Linguistics in 2004, from Macquarie University (Sydney), I have since taught in universities in Chiba, Hiroshima, and Yamanashi, before arriving at Senshu. My research interests lie in second language learning and teaching, and mainly in language learning motivation and language learner/user identity. 

ギリズ, ヘイミッシュ[研究者情報データベースへ]