2021.07.30 Fri
Webinar Conducted by Dr. Sangjin Ryu from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (USA)
On July 19 (Friday), a special webinar for Senshu University students was held by Dr. Sangjin Ryu, an associate professor of mechanical and materials engineering in the College of Engineering at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (USA), a partner school of Senshu University. There were 7 students in attendance.
The theme of this webinar was "Mechanical Engineering, Biological Research, & My Experience Studying Abroad in America". In the first half of the webinar, Dr. Ryu explained his engineering research in easy-to-understand English using PowerPoint slides. In the second half, he talked about his own experience of studying abroad in the United States and answered questions from students.
Students who participated had this to say: “I learned that mechanical engineering isn’t just about machines and robots,” “I enjoyed listening to Dr. Ryu because he spoke in a way that was both easy to understand and very interesting,” and “I realized that being able to speak English will broaden my horizon.”
Starting last year, Senshu University has been conducting various online events with the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. With international travel restricted due to COVID-19, these events provide Senshu University students the unique opportunity to interact cross-culturally online in real-time. Previously, on March 19 (Friday), Dr. Ryu conducted a live-streamed lecture about the Japanese animation Assassination Classroom. There were 52 Senshu University students in attendance. Below is a link to an article about the lecture in March (written in Japanese).
Translation: “Students Participate in Online Lecture at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (USA)”
In addition to these lectures and webinars, the Senshu University International Center regularly conducts other online events such as the "Japanese Conversation Table" with students from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. More information about these sessions and other online events can be found in the link below (written in Japanese).
Translation: “Online Events with International Students”
We hope to host many more online events with the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
ネブラスカ大学リンカーン校(米国)Dr. Sangjin Ryuによるウェビナーを実施しました。
7月19日(金)、国際交流協定校であるネブラスカ大学リンカーン校(米国)のDr. Sangjin Ryu(工学部機械?材料工学科の准教授)による本学学生対象の特別ウェビナーが開催され、本学学生7名が参加しました。
今回のウェビナーのテーマは、「Mechanical Engineering, Biological Research, & My Experience Studying Abroad in America」。前半は教授の専門分野である工学について、パワーポイントを使用しながら分かりやすい英語で説明していただき、後半はDr. Ryu自身の米国での留学体験についてお話しいただき、最後に質疑応答の時間を設けていただきました。
参加した学生からは、「Mechanical Engineeringは機械やロボットだけを扱うものではないと知れた」、「Dr. Ryuの話し方が分かりやすく、また面白く話してくださったので楽しく聞けた」、「英語ができることによって世界が広がるなと思った」などの声が寄せられました。
Dr. Ryuには、3月19日(金)にも日本のアニメ『暗殺教室』をテーマにライブ配信にて講義を行っていただき、本学学生52名がオンライン上で受講しました。また、ネブラスカ大学生との「日本語会話の会」等の国際交流イベントを定期的に実施しています。

Dr. Ryu introducing the University of Nebraska–Lincoln in the second half of his webinar

Dr. Sangjin Ryu
Students who participated had this to say: “I learned that mechanical engineering isn’t just about machines and robots,” “I enjoyed listening to Dr. Ryu because he spoke in a way that was both easy to understand and very interesting,” and “I realized that being able to speak English will broaden my horizon.”
Starting last year, Senshu University has been conducting various online events with the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. With international travel restricted due to COVID-19, these events provide Senshu University students the unique opportunity to interact cross-culturally online in real-time. Previously, on March 19 (Friday), Dr. Ryu conducted a live-streamed lecture about the Japanese animation Assassination Classroom. There were 52 Senshu University students in attendance. Below is a link to an article about the lecture in March (written in Japanese).
Translation: “Students Participate in Online Lecture at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (USA)”
In addition to these lectures and webinars, the Senshu University International Center regularly conducts other online events such as the "Japanese Conversation Table" with students from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. More information about these sessions and other online events can be found in the link below (written in Japanese).
Translation: “Online Events with International Students”
We hope to host many more online events with the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.
ネブラスカ大学リンカーン校(米国)Dr. Sangjin Ryuによるウェビナーを実施しました。
7月19日(金)、国際交流協定校であるネブラスカ大学リンカーン校(米国)のDr. Sangjin Ryu(工学部機械?材料工学科の准教授)による本学学生対象の特別ウェビナーが開催され、本学学生7名が参加しました。
今回のウェビナーのテーマは、「Mechanical Engineering, Biological Research, & My Experience Studying Abroad in America」。前半は教授の専門分野である工学について、パワーポイントを使用しながら分かりやすい英語で説明していただき、後半はDr. Ryu自身の米国での留学体験についてお話しいただき、最後に質疑応答の時間を設けていただきました。
参加した学生からは、「Mechanical Engineeringは機械やロボットだけを扱うものではないと知れた」、「Dr. Ryuの話し方が分かりやすく、また面白く話してくださったので楽しく聞けた」、「英語ができることによって世界が広がるなと思った」などの声が寄せられました。
Dr. Ryuには、3月19日(金)にも日本のアニメ『暗殺教室』をテーマにライブ配信にて講義を行っていただき、本学学生52名がオンライン上で受講しました。また、ネブラスカ大学生との「日本語会話の会」等の国際交流イベントを定期的に実施しています。