2023.02.21 Tue

ウクライナ閲y酎屶址@AMessage from the President  Continue to Support for Ukrainian Students


俐寄僥L 恃?直 嶷繁

Due to the unfortunate continuation of the military conflict in Ukraine, Senshu University will continue to provide support to those affected. Our initial support began in September 2022 by providing a tuition-fee waiver to a Ukrainian student participating in both the Fall Term and Winter Term Japanese Language & Culture (JLC) Program. As part of our continuing support, we will extended our tuition-fee waiver to Ukrainian students also participating in Senshu University's upcoming inbound short-term study abroad programs, such as the Spring Term Japanese Language & Culture (JLC) Program (May 8, 2023 C June 6, 2023) and the Summer Term Japanese Language & Culture (JLC) Program (June 16, 2023 C August 4, 2023), which are both conducted by the Senshu University International Center. Along with a tuition-fee waiver, participating Ukrainian students will also be provided with an accommodation-fee waiver during their stay at the on-campus ^Senshu International House ̄ (dormitory) for their entire study abroad program period.

Please click here for more information.

Prof. Shigeto Sasaki Ph.D.
Senshu University

