
The Imamura Institute of Legal Studies was set up in 1949, the same year that the University was launched under the new university system. The institute has the responsibility lf preserving the legacy of Rikisaburo Imamura, who served as University president and was active in the legal profession in an unofficial capacity. The department undertakes practical research into, and analysis of, legal issues and circumstances, from both ethical and realistic perspectives.
The Office conducts research and investigation into the huge volume of litigation related chronicles, which were left to the University by Imamura. To date, the institute has published 31 volumes of the Rikisaburo Imamura Litigation Chronicles. It has already completed compilation of records of the Kongo, Go-Ichi-Go, Shimpeitai, Ketsumeidan, and Teijin incidents, and is approaching completion of its record of the Taigyaku Incident. Each of these is famous as a major criminal case, and the Rikisaburo Imamura Litigation Chronicles are valuable for the additional light that they throw on these cases.
The institute contains both researchers and practitioners and conducts a variety of research activities, such as research into current trends and judicial precedents. The results of such activities are recorded in the Senshu University Imamura Institute of Legal Studies Report. The 43rd issue of this report, which is published twice a year, is now available.

専修大学法科大学院長 石村 修(元 今村法律研究室室長)
『明治憲法 その獨逸との隔たり』(専修大学出版局:H11)、
『明治憲法 その獨逸との隔たり』(専修大学出版局:H11)、
〒101-8425 東京都千代田区神田神保町3-8
E-mail imaken@isc.senshu-u.ac.jp
E-mail imaken@isc.senshu-u.ac.jp